Detox from toxicity
This isn't particularly controversial than what the title suggests. I have officially deleted all my social media applications on my phone, namely; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, because I have been idling much more than usual and it's because I'm admittedly running away from real life responsibilities. As much as life felt so liberating since I've decided to actually plunge in the things that I enjoy, with no reservations, I can't deny the fact that I have more pressing matters to tend to.
I have not yet mastered the skill of work life balance, so for my conscience to stay sane, this how I am going to cope with it. I have decided to keep writing on my blog to keep my need for "announcing my daily happening to social media" at bay, which I doubt people would search for, since I'm not as interesting as I think that I am. ha!
I'm ecstatic to finally finish off this semester and ultimately my university life so this is one of the biggest steps in order for that to happen. So if anyone comes across this entry, please send a little prayer for me that I may gain strength, patience, and grit to keep going at this. To also make your day, my previous entry is actually my very first YouTube video so stalk me there!