I passed my undergraduate thesis
It's been a hot minute since I dipped my fingers into this keyboard. I have been on hiatus because I was ensuring my graduation last June, and I'm glad to say that there has been much to celebrate about. The last couple of months has been a whirlwind of emotions and experiences, and it's only recently that I have actually caught my breath. Let me just mention that the entirety of 2018 and the first half of this year was definitely one for the books. I guess my life decided to finally finish a chapter, and now onto newer struggles, peers and insecurities, but definitely a much better outlook in life.
Before anything else I wanted to compartmentalize the important life changing events that happened the first half of this year before moving on to the rest of the newer business I need to face head on. As much as I would love to write a complete novel regarding my endeavor in obtaining my Architecture degree I'll keep it short and sweet with a victory post of my thesis defense day.
Administration Building of the School
Aerial Perspective of the Urban Farm School
This me sitting in the middle of my dorm room surrounded by my books, laundry, and trash. I don't think I've been this happy for the longest time.
I want to give a huge shout out to my very good friend Ian Cruz because of all he did to assist me during that day. I know you probably won't read this because you're actually one of the few people who don't reside online, but from the bottom of my heart I thank you for being the all around friend, PA, and support system that day! Without you I wouldn't have passed my defense. Thanks man!

Bless this jury!

Honorary Success photo in front of the ARKI sign
Say hello to the double chins accumulated. Acne out and about. This was me after my presentation and defense, before the jury's verdict, preparing myself for the worst possible scenario. Mostly happy because I was relieved for having presented as well as answered queries regarding my thesis with 8 minutes to spare and a considerable amount of first years watching.
This dude is the real MVP.
God you are great. I know you wouldn't let me down.